GMercyU Traditions

GMercyU traditions remind us of our Mercy identity, celebrate our culture, and create lasting memories for Griffins forever. 

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一年级学生将参与反映GMercyU核心价值观的实践服务项目. 虽然他们在迎新期间会得到凯瑟琳·麦考利和大学仁慈传统的介绍, engaging in service allows new students to see Mercy in action, and provides a unique preview to the Distinctive Mercy Experience ahead. 在一起服务的同时与同学互动,为活动增添了乐趣和意义.

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丝带传统在钟楼新生迎新期间举行,以表彰和庆祝学生来到格温内斯德仁慈大学的旅程. 1861年8月的一个炎热的日子里,学生们了解到仁爱修女会从爱尔兰抵达费城. It was August 22, 1861 to be exact. There were only 10 Sisters, led by Mother Patricia Waldron. They ranged in age from 16-27. They were happy and hopeful with only a dream for Mercy.

德埃米利奥校长向学生们表示,她只能想象这些女性在一个陌生的城市里独自一人,不确定自己的位置和道路,该有多焦虑. 然而,他们有信心知道他们就在他们应该在的地方. 新生们可能会经历怎样的焦虑和忧虑. As you begin your time as a GMercyU student, have faith, just like those early Sisters did, 你确实在你应该在的地方——在格温内德仁慈大学走你的路. 学生们被要求在钟楼附近系上丝带,以表明他们是如何致力于成为仁慈学生的使命.

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学术大会是一个正式的学术仪式,欢迎一年级和新的转学生到大学. It brings together administrators, faculty, and students to commemorate the start of the academic year.

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On Sept. 1827年24日,在爱尔兰的都柏林,凯瑟琳·麦考利(Catherine McAuley)建立了一个家庭,为年轻女孩提供庇护和教育. This house would be the foundation for the Sisters of Mercy — and 17 U.S. colleges and universities, including ours. Each September, we celebrate this heritage during Mercy Week, 哪些以各种教育和服务相关的项目为特色,将我们的校园社区聚集在一起, 从鼓舞人心的电影和引人入胜的讲座,到共同进餐和热烈的讨论. Finally, GMercyU社区通过在9月24日举行特别的“慈悲弥撒”来纪念慈悲之家的成立.

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This new tradition takes place during Mercy Week. GMercyU社区的成员公开承诺活出仁慈姐妹会的五个关键关注点或GMercyU的四个核心价值观. 社区成员将这些承诺写在纸黄玫瑰上,并在Waldron中心展示. 黄玫瑰也被称为“凯瑟琳·麦考利玫瑰”. Josephine Mary Agnew, RSM, in order to commemorate Venerable Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy.

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秋季联欢会是学生政府协会(SGA)一年中最大的活动. It takes place in September to welcome the autumn season. 这个大型的户外节日欢迎过去和现在的格里芬家族. 这是一个学生与学生交流和参与活动的机会, alumni, faculty, friends, and neighbors.

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Griffin Madness is an inclusive pep rally for students, faculty, staff, and all of the GMercyU community to kick-off the winter sports season. Through collaboration with departments and offices across campus, Griffin Madness is a memorable night for all. 这次经历对所有校园社区来说都是一次机会,让他们为自己是格里芬的一员而感到自豪. 在节日期间,SGA与凯瑟琳橱柜合作举办了一年一度的罐头食品募捐活动.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

GMercyU的社区感恩节晚餐是一个传统,允许教师, staff and students the opportunity to join together, pause to give thanks and praise, and enjoy a meal with new friends and family. This is a free meal for the campus community sponsored by Griffin Dining.

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Finals Breakfast is held each year to bring together students, 在秋季学期即将结束之前,教职员工享用深夜早餐. 早餐在深夜举行,包括所有类型的早餐食品. 在大学里,学生们受到他们最喜欢的教职员工的服务和欢迎. This year, 期末早餐迎来了220多名学生来到Waldron咖啡馆,参加学生们最喜欢的活动. In addition to having breakfast, over 45 prizes were given out ranging from study snack packs, fitness watches, and an iPad.

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圣诞树点灯仪式在圣母升天堂前拉开了节日的序幕. 圣诞树上的灯光既代表了我们大学的根基,也代表了其他信仰. Students, alumni, faculty, staff, 以及更大的GMercyU社区的成员被邀请参加庆祝活动. 格温内德之声的成员们带领大家唱了一曲,尽情享受这个季节的声音, and GMercyU’s Dance Team. Prior to the tree lighting, 客人可以享受节日糖果和热可可以及各种户外活动, including ornament making, a photobooth, and s'mores.

Take Back the Night

Take Back The Night是一个国际性的活动,以结束性为使命, relationship, and domestic violence in all forms. 每年,格温内斯默西大学社区都会聚集在一起,作为这一使命的一部分, creating a platform for voices to be heard, pain to be recognized, and courage to be acknowledged. 通过这次活动,我们活出了仁慈的传统,拥抱了我们言行一致的核心价值观, Respect for the Dignity of Each Person, Service to Society, Social Justice in a Diverse World*

*特别关注慈悲姐妹会的关键关注:地球, Immigration, Anti-Racism, Non-Violence, Women

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Student Appreciation Day is hosted by SGA’s Positivity Committee! 这一天是为了向学生们表示感谢,感谢他们一年来的辛勤工作. 这个活动在春季举行,是学生会感谢学生团体允许我们代表他们的机会.

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Each year, GMercyU的毕业生戴着帽子,穿着长袍,在校园里一些最具标志性的地方拍照,比如欢迎墙, Bell Tower, Assumption Hall, and Lady Garden. Grads can submit their photos to the #GMercyUGrad photo contest, which is held on GMercyU's Instagram account.

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荣誉大会是一项正式的学术活动,旨在表彰获得课程荣誉的学生, special awards, and induction into academic Honor Societies.


毕业典礼是一个正式的仪式,庆祝授予学位给即将毕业的学生. 这个传统的仪式可以追溯到12世纪的欧洲和17世纪的美国.